Can you give us a brief introduction of your experience? I, previously as a manager of VME in Ernst & Young, have over 5-year working experience in modeling, financial advisory, valuation and assurance, mainly assisting SOEs’ with their investments abroad. I have knowledge of industries such as PE funds, infrastructure, power & utility, and so on. 我曾在安永估值、建模与经济咨询业务线任经理,在建模、财务咨询、评估和审计服务领域摸爬滚打超过五年,主要负责协助国有企业进行海外投资,对私募股权基金、基础设施、电力和公用事业等行业均有涉猎。 2 What was it like working for the big four? How to balance work and life? What has been the biggest change for you along the way? Big four is a great place to develop good professional habits, gain solid financial and software skills, and strengthen ability of multitasking and working under pressure. Working in EY TAS is both challenging and easy. It’s challenging because one needs to cope with various projects at the same time, to complete those projects within limited time, and to satisfy various needs from clients within a changing business environment. However, it is also easy because the organization structure is rather stable and well-organized, and one can mainly focus on the business or project itself instead of being distracted from other administrative affairs. I don’t think there shall be a question about work and life balance. Work is an important part of one’s life and has a great influence on how one lives. It’s more about what kind of life you want. For this question, everyone has his/her own choice. By far, I think big four is not a bad place to start and develop my career. The biggest change for me must be working in an efficient and well-organized way and forming stronger ability to work under pressure. 作为四大之一,安永的工作环境非常有利于养成良好的职业习惯,培养扎实的财务和业务基本功,锤炼多任务处理能力及抗压能力。交易咨询服务部的工作说困难也困难,说简单也简单。这里的挑战无处不在,一个人需要同时处理多个项目,而且时间有限,我们必须要在瞬息万变的业务环境中满足客户的种种需求;但另一方面,在这里工作也很简单:安永的组织结构相当稳定和完善,一个人只需专心推进业务或项目,而不会被其他行政事务所烦扰。 我觉得工作和生活的平衡并不是个问题。工作是生活的重要组成部分,并且会对生活产生极大影响。核心的问题是想要什么样的生活。对于这个问题,每个人有不同的选择和追求。我始终认为安永是一个开启职业生涯的理想平台。我发生的最大变化应该是学会以高效而又井然有序的方式开展工作,并形成了强大的抗压能力。 3 How did you enter the consulting field and what aspects of the consulting work have helped you the most in your career development? Top performance while in assurance service line and effective networking. Consulting work is quite different from assurance since each case has its own characteristics and it’s more about solving a problem rather than conducting certain procedures. Through consulting work, I learned how to better understand people’s needs, how to prioritize different tasks, how to analyze problem in a well-structured way, and how to manage project progress effectively. The habit formed from consulting experience will benefit me in my future career. 在审计业务线时工作表现出色,加之建立了有效的人际网络。 咨询与审计服务大不相同,每个案例都有自身特点;它更多的是解决问题,而不是执行特定流程。通过咨询服务,我学会了如何更好地了解客户需求,如何确定任务的优先等级,如何结构化地分析问题,以及如何有效管理项目进度。我在咨询领域形成的良好习惯,将使我在未来的职业发展中受益匪浅。 4 Can you describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far? I successfully assisted a subsidiary of a SOE, whose main business is investment, construction and operation of transportation infrastructure, in achieving financial close in 2 years. The subsidiary together with a company based in Singapore intended to cooperate, and to invest in, construct, and operate a port in Nigeria. There were no more than 4 persons in my team, and the total investment of the project is over $600 million. At the beginning, I worked as the financial advisor of the project, in charge of planning, hosting meetings among different parties, and preparing materials for the client’s internal approval. Gradually, I took control of the project’s financial model, and modified it according to the changing financing situations to support the client’s negotiation with banks. There were challenges from the company itself, the government, local environment, and financing institutions, which we all overcame in the end. 我曾协助一家国有企业的子公司(其主要业务是交通基础设施投资、建设及运营)在两年内完成了融资关闭。这家子公司打算与一家新加坡企业开展合作,共同在尼日利亚投资、建造和经营港口。我的团队只不过区区4人,负责的这个项目融资总额却超过6亿美元。刚开始时,我只担任项目的财务顾问,负责安排和主持各方会议,以及为客户准备内部审批材料;后来,我慢慢接管了项目的财务模型,开始根据不断变化的融资状况做出修正,为客户参与银行谈判提供支持。企业、政府、地方环境和融资机构均带来了一些挑战,但最终均被我们成功克服。 5 What led you to pursue an MBA at this point in your career? Having worked in a financial intermediary for over 5 years, I had a great knowledge of assurance, M&A and finance. I was thinking about stepping further. MBA program not only offers an opportunity to meet excellent people from various industries and with different backgrounds, but also is a platform to make transformation to a new role. Since I had been fascinated by the power of capital and been looking forward to helping companies to grow better through investment and financing, I decided to take the MBA program to move forward to a position in investment institutions or strategic investment department of companies. What’s more, studying at GSM of PKU, the top management school of China, has long been my dream. This is just the right time. 在金融中介机构摸爬滚打五年多后,我积累了丰富的审计、并购和金融知识,于是开始考虑下一步该如何发展。MBA课程不仅能结识各行各业的优秀人才,而且也是一个角色转型平台。资本的力量让我着迷,自己也希望帮助企业通过投融资来获得更好发展,于是决定攻读MBA,为进入投资机构或企业战略投资部门工作创造条件。更重要的是,能够在北大光华这一管理学高地学习是我一直以来的梦想。现在是最佳时机。 6 What was the key factor(s) that led you to determine on PKU Guanghua instead of other school, and why was it so important to you? PKU GSM was the only management school that I applied for. Professor Li, the first dean of GSM, is a person that I highly admire, and Peking University is adjacent to Renmin University of China. I wanted to further develop my career in investment related industries in China. PKU is one of the top universities here and GSM is famous for its management and finance courses. Besides, I was fascinated by the cultural atmosphere and classical architecture on campus. Thus, PKU GSM became my first and only choice. 北大光华是我申请的唯一一所管理学院。光华的首任院长厉以宁教授我很敬仰。北大与人大又是邻居。我希望进一步在中国的投资相关行业发展我的事业。北大是中国的著名学府之一,而光华的管理和金融课程可谓璀璨夺目的宝石。此外,我还对校园的文化氛围和古典建筑非常着迷,北大光华就这样成为了我的第一和唯一选择。 7 What was the most challenging part of the admissions process? Preparing for the interview and working overtime on my projects at the same time was the most challenging part. I was on a project building financial model for a client that intended to participate in a bid in Europe, which had a strict deadline and a tight time schedule, exactly while I was applying for GSM and preparing for the interview. I needed to work with high efficiency while on the project, properly allocated certain tasks to senior assistant and staff, and made full use of my fragmental time preparing for the admission. I never went to bed earlier than 2am during that period. Good thing was I successfully completed the project, which was highly recognized by the client, and was given an unconditional offer by GSM. 我在准备面试的同时还要加班加点处理项目,这一点最具挑战性。我当时正在为一个计划参加欧洲竞标的客户建立项目财务模型,时间紧、任务重,同时我也在准备申请材料和面试。对于这个项目我不得不提高工作效率,将一些任务合理分配给高级助理,同时充分利用零碎时间来备考。那段时间我从未在凌晨2点之前休息过,不过幸运的是这个项目非常成功,得到了客户高度认可,同时我也被光华顺利录取。 8 Which course/event/activity impressed you the most in your MBA Studies? I think that must be the Alumni Mentor program. My mentor, who is experienced in secondary market, PE, industry and early stage investment, holds 1 seminar a month for us. 2 Investment Managers of his VC fund have been invited and shared their investment experience in industries including consumption and “To B” business, which allowed me to know first-hand information of early stage companies, have a comprehensive understanding of how investment managers select, analyze, and manage investment targets, and communicate deeply with them. The seminar is informative and valuable, and fills gaps between my previous experiences and future new role. 那肯定是“校友导师计划”了。我的导师非常熟悉二级市场、私募股权、实业和早期投资,每月会为我们举办一场研讨会。他曾邀请自己风投基金的两位投资经理分享消费和“To B”等行业的投资经验;就这样我了解到了早期公司的第一手资料,对于投资经理如何选择、分析和管理投资标的有了全面认识,并得以与他们深入交流。研讨会的内容丰富而有价值,填补了我由原有角色向新的职业发展目标前进过程中的空白。 9 What quality best describes your MBA classmates and why? Willing to share and ready to help. Our class is formed by 44 students from different parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and Americas, and different industries, such as investment, consulting, banking, entertainment, etc. Each one has his/her own expertise and strength, which means you can always find your classmate a teacher in certain area. I got thorough guidance and sincere advice from them on various aspects, such as how to give presentation in a more effective way, how to get better prepared for an interview, how to analyze business cases more deeply, and how to become a better self. I am very lucky to be their classmate. 愿意分享,乐于帮助。我们班共有44位学生,他们来自五湖四海(亚洲、欧洲、美洲等)和各行各业(投资、咨询、银行、文娱等)。每个人都有其专长,“三人行必有我师”。我从他们那里收获的精心指导和真诚建议,体现在诸多方面,比如如何更有效地进行展示、如何更充分地进行求职准备、如何更深刻地进行案例分析以及如何实现更好的自己。有他们做同学,我很幸运。 10 What do you like to do in your spare time? Regularly communicate with professor in the Department of Economics of my undergraduate school; swim and play badminton during the week; hang out with friends on weekends; travel during the holiday. 每周与母校经济系教授交流;平时会游泳和打球;周末会和朋友一起;假期喜欢旅行。 11 Name one person that influences you the most: My mother. 我的母亲。 12 Describe one of the best days/moments in Guanghua so far: Our class together gave this wonderful performance “Dongyouji” at GSM 2019 welcome party. This was the first time that our whole class worked together, had fun together and passed our happiness to the whole GSM. This was also the first time that I ever played in a comedy. The performance of our class was quite different from those of other classes. We had Indian dance, Beijing Opera and Chinese calligraphy in this one play, which was colorful, multifold, and meaningful. 我们班级在“2019级新生晚会”上共同表演了一场《东游记》,非常精彩。这是我们全班同学首次合作,,我们非常享受这个过程,并将快乐传遍了整个学院。这也是我第一次参演喜剧。我们的表演与其他班级截然不同,我们既有印度舞,也有中国京剧和书法,形式多样,精彩纷呈,很有意义。 13 What was your defining moment and how did it shape who you are? I think that might be my being admitted into Renmin University of China. It was the first time that I left home, lived by myself, and had close connection with numerous young talents as well as extraordinary professors. Besides majoring in Psychology, I applied for double degree in Finance, which not only enriched my knowledge, but also connected me to schoolmates of other faculties and guided me to a new path. The experience at Renmin University exerted a subtle but life-long influence on me, which I didn’t notice at that time. However, when I look back, I appreciate that period, during which I learned every little bit of effort counts but one needs to be persistent in order to make changes. 应当是我被中国人民大学录取。那是我第一次离开家乡,开始独自生活,结识了众多青年才俊和优秀教授。除了主修心理学,我还申请了金融学双学位。这不仅丰富了我的知识,扩大了我在各个学院的人脉,而且也为我点亮了新的方向。人民大学的求学经历对我产生了微妙但持续终生的影响,对于这一点我当时并没有注意到。不过,现在回想起来我很怀念那段时光。我从那段经历里懂得点滴付出都会有回报,要做出改变就必须坚持不懈地努力。 14 Where do you see yourself in ten years? I will be working in investment industry focusing on technology companies in a senior role, have a happy family, enjoy my spare time with family members and friends. I will shoulder more social responsibilities, be ready to help the young and the vulnerable group. In addition, have one or two hobbies that I am passionate about. 从事投资相关工作,领域聚焦于科技方面,担任高级职务。 拥有一个幸福的家庭,闲暇时与亲朋好友共度时光。 承担更多的社会责任,为年轻人和弱势群体提供力所能及的帮助。 另外葆有一两项自己的爱好。