2020是特殊的一年,新冠疫情隔离了人与人之间的互动交流,公司与光华各位老师同学的相遇相知全部云化。巧合的是,这样的见面方式恰恰和公司的使命有一定的契合——做云时代的ERP。 病毒隔离人,而科技聚合人。作为服务连锁餐饮提升数字化的公司,我们从春节开始全身心投入陪伴餐饮客户抗疫及企业内部抗疫的战役中。疫情加强了整个国家对数字化价值的认知,令公司对自身战略转型进行更为深刻的思考:如何更好的给客户创造价值,如何帮助客户提升自己的经营效率? 在这个时刻,与北大光华MBA的整合实践合作显得意义非凡。有幸遇到这些具有洞见和商业敏感性的同学们,面对课题保持严谨、思辨的态度,对行业格局更有深刻理解。针对课题提出的具体问题,帮助我们站在更中立、更客观的角度,对企业自身进行反观和审视,不断自我批评,不断自我革新。 开题之前,本以为同学们对于SaaS业务会相对比较陌生,但令人惊喜的是,尽管同学们来自不同学术背景、不同工作领域甚至不同国家,对于课题相关的问题,讨论的深度和准确度都丝毫不逊于公司业务中遇到的顶尖投资人。 对于处于长期创业冲刺、不断试错阶段的奥琦玮而言,正需要这样多元化而专业的视野来提供全新的思路。期待整合实践最后的答卷,期待光华MBA学子与我们一同走出归因偏差的误区,去寻找客户成交的隐形开关,去探索适合奥琦玮的极致创新之路。 Acewill is a fast-growing company providing comprehensive SaaS solutions along the whole value chain for catering enterprises. By employing software, the company supports its customers to reduce operational and organizational complexity to become more competitive in an increasingly crowded market. Since its establishment in 2006 by PKU alumni, Acewill has continuously extended its product lines and served more than 120,000 chain stores, covering many of the top catering companies in China across the whole country. Acewill’s digital solutions cover all kind’s operational challenges like in-store cash record-keeping, take-out order processing, and food safety but also include software products to manage human resources efficiently. Equipped with a profound industry knowledge, Acewill helps chain catering enterprises to fully utilize information systems and unlock value through digitalization. We are extremely excited that we are working together with Acewill under the current Integrated Practicum Project. The company not only shows us how to take a challenger position in the market but also illustrates how former students of our university can develop an innovative and successful business model. During this project we have also discovered that the Chinese catering industry is one of the most interesting in the world. It is a fast-paced, growing, and highly competitive market with diverse culinary traditions across the different regions of China. Especially the influence of e-commerce and trend towards food delivery offers outstanding opportunities for Acewill to market its services to customers. The next generation of software has just been developed which is why we now support Acewill to identify potential clients and assist them in realizing the superior value delivered by the company’s services. Besides the valuable industry and company insights, the project offers us the practical opportunity to apply the theoretical concepts we have learned in our MBA program. As part of finding the most attractive customers we make use of the Segmentation and Targeting approach learned in our Marketing Management class. While Acewill is already working together with most high-profile caterers we aim to identify the most valuable prospects which eventually should be prioritized during sales efforts. Integrating the findings of this analysis into the firm’s sales process requires us to take a comprehensive view and fully understand both Acewill and the clients. Therefore, our future project work will focus on directly interviewing clients and employees to really identify the customer pain points and value-drivers of the business. Gaining such first-hand experience complements our in-class studies and prepares us to quickly adapt to unknown and challenging environments. Furthermore, the inside perspective helps us in the search for our future career as we will be able to assess our personal fit with the industry through this consulting project. While working on the project we have also acknowledged the importance of thorough marketing research and comprehensive strategy for targeting clients. For us, Acewill is a great example to emphasize the importance of technology and growing integration of SaaS in the catering industry. While not everyone of us will work in the SaaS industry in future, we agree with the importance to expand our knowledge and follow current trends in technology. We are thankful for the opportunity given under this project and are confident that our multi-national team with diverse industry backgrounds will provide a valuable contribution to Acewill. 正视困难、克服困难、解决困难,让困难由挑战变成机遇。相信疫期“云上”整合实践这一特别的形式,会为我们留下独一无二的专属回忆。