Can you give us a brief introduction of your experience? After graduated from Zhongshan University with two medical degrees -- Nursing and Nutrition, I worked for top firms of both International and Chinese in Healthcare and FMCG industry for 7 years as a marketer. 我毕业于中山大学,获得护理和营养学双学位;毕业后,我在医疗和快消领域的国内外顶尖企业拥有7年的市场营销经验。 2 How did you enter this industry? As a medical student, it’s not difficult to enter Healthcare industry. However, transporting myself to be a brand manager was quite challenging. I was lucky to have a good mentor guiding me and a good project to start with -- learning from the work is always a golden law in my career life. 作为一名医学生,进入医疗行业并不难,但要转行成为一名品牌经理却颇具挑战性。幸运的是我遇到了一位知人善任的上级,以及一个不错的项目作为起点——“在工作中学习,在学习中成长”始终是我的职场座右铭。 3 What led you to pursue an MBA at this point in your career? I was looking forward to having further development in my career, but was limited by my weakness of business perspective and methodology. Also, I was new to Beijing after 10 years living in Guangdong, so I needed to meet new people and build a strong network. So I decided to slowly jump out of my previous work and restart myself with an MBA program. 我希望自己的职业生涯更上一层楼,却受限于自己缺乏系统的商业知识和方法论的训练。另外,过去10年我都在广东打拼,作为一名新晋北漂,我需要结交新朋友,打造广泛的人脉。所以我决定跳出以前的圈子,攻读MBA,开启人生新篇章。 4 What was the key factor(s) that led you to determine on PKU Guanghua instead of other school, and why was it so important to you? First of all, now that I've decided to be an MBAer, why not choose the best one? When I was preparing for the MBA application, I noticed that the required competences of PKU MBA candidates were a little different from other schools where there was a great emphasis on the ability of communication. I always loved socializing and communicating with people from different backgrounds -- so this difference really attracted my attention. It was funny that I had the final interviews of two top MBA programs in the same day. I felt a huge difference between these two schools in their styles, and personally, I enjoyed the communication with Guanghua interviewers and candidates more, who were so passionate and willing to share a lot, so I decided to join Guanghua in the end. 既然已决定攻读MBA,为什么不选择最棒的? 在我准备MBA申请的过程中,我注意到北大MBA对于候选人的资质要求与其他学校略有不同: 这里非常注重学生的沟通能力。我一直都是一个享受社交的人,喜欢与不同背景的人们交流.这种差异对我产生了很大的吸引力。 有趣的是,我在同一天同时参加了两个国内顶级MBA项目的终面。我发现这两所学校的招生风格截然不同,于我个人而言,我更享受与光华的面试官和候选人交流的过程,他们都非常热情、开诚布公,因此我最终决定成为一名光华人。 5 What was the most challenging part of the admissions process? Looking back on my experience and searching for the highlights was quite challenging. As a marketer, I was not sure if my education and working experience were good and special enough to compete with other competitive candidates, so I kept writing the application form for more than 10 times, until I found an angle that everyone was interested when I told them about my working experience. 梳理自己的履历,并从中找到可以打动面试官的亮点颇具挑战。作为一名市场营销人员,我不确定和其他候选人相比,自己的教育背景和工作经验是否具有足够的优势和竞争力,于是我反复修改申请材料,几易其稿,最终找到了足以吸引所有人注意的叙事角度。 6 Which course/event/activity impressed you the most in your MBA Studies? The course Luxury Brand Management impressed me a lot. That’s a course taught by a professor from France, who was the CEO of a luxury firm before. That course completely subverted my perception of the luxury industry and brands, such as the different definitions of luxury and premium, the real margin in this industry, etc. 《奢侈品品牌管理》给我留下了深刻印象。 这门课由一位曾任奢侈品公司CEO的法国教授授课,他完全颠覆了我之前对奢侈品行业和品牌的理解,比如奢侈品和高档商品的区别定义,行业的实际利润空间,等等。 7 What quality best describes your MBA classmates and why? Excellent and humble. My classmates have really diverse backgrounds from different countries and industries. When we discussed about our group work, I was always, always surprised by their professional point of view and very pleased to hear such different opinions. In my strategy group work, I was in a team with peers with marketing and accounting background, where we shared totally different methodology of case analysis, and learned a lot from each other. 优秀而低调。我的同学来自世界各地和各行各业,背景复杂而多元。进行小组讨论时,他们提出的专业观点总是出乎我的意料,我很开心能听取不同的意见。在战略课程的小组讨论中,我的组员大多来自市场营销和会计背景,大家对各种案例分析法畅所欲言,从彼此身上学到了很多东西。 8 What do you like to do in your spare time? Travel around and try different local food. I am a super foodie. 周游世界,品尝不同地方的美食。我是一个不折不扣的吃货。 9 Name one person that influences you the most. Beyond my family, I would like to name Florence Nightingale, the founder of nursing and surprisingly the founder of coxcomb, and a great lady with humanitarianism and compassion. 除了家人,我会选择护理事业的奠基人、玫瑰图的发明者——弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔,她是一位具有人道主义精神和同情心的伟大女性。 10 Describe one of the best days/moments in Guanghua so far. The MBA performance night. It was the first time the class gets together and performs a show, and many of us tried the Peking Opera, which might be once in a life time. We did a great job and got much closer in a short time. 光华的迎新晚会。这是全班第一次班会和汇演,对于很多人而言,这可能是一生仅此一次成为京剧票友的机会。我们的演出非常成功,迅速拉近了同学们之间的距离。 11 What was your defining moment and how did it shape who you are? When I was 13 years old, I suffered from misdiagnosis. That was the moment I decided to work in health-related industry in future and try my best to not mislead people. Also, I realized nothing is more important than one’s health. I studied in medical school and entered Healthcare industry, and I'll insist to deep dive my career in this industry in future. 13岁那年,我遭遇了一次严重的误诊。我便是从那时决定,长大后一定从事医疗相关的工作。与此同时,我也意识到了身体健康才是最重要的。我考入了医学院,毕业后进入医疗保健行业,MBA毕业后我仍然会回到这一行业,实现我毕生追求的目标。 12 Where do you see yourself in ten years? Hopefully I could balance career and family, and all my parents and friends are healthy. I wish not to be too busy but have some good options in my career, also have my own small business beside my job in a big firm. In addition to earning a living, I would like to have a specialty which can be either cultural or religious. 我希望家人和朋友身体健康,自己能在事业和家庭之间达成平衡,把握一些不错的职业发展机会,在大公司谋得一席之地,同时开创自己的事业。除了工作中的目标,我还希望在文化或宗教方面有所造诣。