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时间: 2022-01-07 16:46:01
来源: 博雅汇MBA
浏览量: 1002

Q.1 请简单介绍一下你自己?

Please briefly introduce yourself.

嗨,我来自美国德克萨斯州,但在佛罗里达州Panama City念的高中。高中阶段我通过努力学习成为一名雄鹰童子军,之后我考上了宾夕法尼亚大学。当时,我选择学习金融,想进入华尔街工作。但后来发现纽约并不适合我。在读书的时候,我们有一门外语学分的要求,当时对选择哪门语言有些纠结,最终考虑到商业背景发展,我选择了普通话。这个选择在当时看来无足轻重,却对我的人生有着深远影响。

毕业时,纽约的低迷就业市场令人焦虑,最终我加入了总部位于费城郊外的先锋集团,这是美国最大的合股投资公司。最开始我在初级职位上接听投资者的电话,虽然很基础,但能很好地让我一边学习业务,一边提升交流技巧。在先锋集团工作了近五年之后,我开始思考未来的职业发展。美国MBA的大部分相关课程,我在本科的时候已经接触过, 考虑到我对中国的兴趣和背景,我选择申请中国最好的大学——北京大学来完成我两年全日制的MBA时光。这个决定改变了我的人生,尤其在北大,我遇见我未来的妻子。

*Eagle Scout 雄鹰童子军,是指青少年通过各种实践活动和技能训练在身体、精神、智力上的培训,帮助他们增长知识、掌握技能、完善自我、家庭以及所在的社区,成为有责任感、能自立的公民,为将来的社会做贡献。Eagle Scout雄鹰是童子军最高荣誉。)

Hi! I’m originally from Texas in the US, but went to high school in Panama City Beach, Florida. I worked hard at school, became an Eagle Scout, and went to the University of Pennsylvania. I was studying finance, ready to head to Wall Street, until I found that New York City wasn’t for me. At the same time, I needed to get a foreign language credit, and I had already tried French in high school without much interest. On a whim, and with an eye toward a future in business, I decided to try Mandarin Chinese. It was a choice that seemed inconsequential at the time, but had far-reaching implications.

The job market wasn’t great when I graduated and I was determined not to go to New York. So I joined The Vanguard Group, which is one of the largest mutual fund companies in the U.S. and is headquartered in the suburbs of Philadelphia, at the most entry-level position they had – on the phones responding to calls from individual investors. It was a tough job, but there was no better way to learn the business and hone my ability to discuss complicated topics in clear, everyday language. After five years at Vanguard I started thinking about the future, and realized that if I wanted to make a change before becoming a Vanguard lifer in Philadelphia, I needed to do it soon. Having done most of the US MBA curriculum as an undergrad, and given my interest in and background with China, doing a degree program abroad made sense. I pulled out all the stops, and was very lucky to land a spot at the best university in China, Peking University! Two years full time there was life-changing, among other things because I met my future wife there.

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Q.2 为什么选择在中国读MBA ?

Why did you choose to study an MBA in China?


Great question – my Wharton degree is undergrad, so when it came time in my career for an MBA, I had already done a big piece of the Wharton MBA curriculum at the undergrad level. Given that situation combined with my prior background and interest in international affairs in general and China in particular, it made sense for me to look abroad, and to China.

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Q.3 在那段时间里,


What was your vision for your career plan during that period?



After leaving Philadelphia hoping for a more exciting international life and career, I badly wanted a taste of some government experience as a compliment to my previous private-sector work, to try something a little different, and also to be able to give back to society in some small part recognizing that I was very lucky in terms of where I started in life.

I was initially hoping for an international-facing position at the US Treasury department, or an economic-facing position at the US State (foreign affairs) department. Who would have thought that I would end up at the Federal Aviation Administration (part of the US Department of Transportation) instead! Life takes you on a strange journey sometimes and I have learned to be flexible and open to change when an opportunity comes about either through luck, hard work, or both!

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Q.4 你对北京大学/北京/中国的第一印象是什么?

What was your first impression of PKU/BEIJING/CHINA?


I had already been to China and Beijing several times by the time I made it to PKU. I remember very strongly how excited I was to see China’s most famous university for myself in person, but I also remember how stressful it was arriving at the airport with only a basic plan in place for where I was supposed to live. Luckily my contact, who I had never met in person before, was there to meet me and Wudaokou just down the road from Beida turned out to be a fun place to stay!

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Q.5 你做过的最困难的决定是什么?


What was the most difficult decision to make and how did you make your choice in your career?

在加入美国联邦航空管理局后, 我作为一名金融分析师专门模拟研究人员配置给公司财务带来的影响 (因为当时空中交通管制员密集的培训费用非常昂贵),我有幸发现自己身处一个绝佳的团队——有着聪明且有同理心的老板及同事,有着明确的工作任务分配,享有良好的薪酬福利待遇及下班后的个人时间。让我在过去的10年里,通过我的努力工作,多次在公司晋升,成为了公认的专家。然而我意识到,如果想要在职业生涯中取得进一步的发展,就应该在公司内部拓展,积累经验。于是我晋级到一个与之前完全不同的团队,帮助联邦航空局管理自己机队的业务,对我可以说是一个重大的变化。完全超出了我的舒适区,这是一个需要不同技能的全新专业领域。做出这样的改变很难,但在与家人交谈后,我们一致认为:我已经做好了迎全新挑战与新环境的准备。

After joining the Federal Aviation Administration as a financial analyst specializing in modeling the financial impact of staffing decisions (air traffic controllers take an extensive amount of training and are very expensive), I was lucky enough to find myself in a fantastic group with the FAA – smart and understanding bosses and colleagues, a clear mission, good pay benefits and personal time, and over 10 years I had worked hard and moved up the corporate ladder several times to a place where I was a recognized expert. I was comfortable – too comfortable. I realized that if I wanted to advance further in my career, it was time to branch out and broaden my experience within the organization. Taking a promotion into a completely different group – this time an operational one helping manage the business aspects of the FAA’s own fleet of aircraft was a major change for me to say the least. Totally out of my comfort zone, and a completely new areas of expertise calling for different skills. Change is hard making a move like that, but after talking with my family we jointly made the decision that I was ready for the next challenge and the new environments I would encounter.

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Q.6 光华MBA对你的职业生涯有什么帮助?

How did the Guanghua MBA help with your career?


It helped tremendously. For me doing the MBA was my way of shaking up what I had been doing in my career, and branching off into something different. Additionally, having that credential gives me a significant amount of credibility as an expert in many related fields – management, finance, accounting, and strategy just to name a few.

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What do you think is the biggest difference between China's market and the USA?


I feel that China right now is significantly further ahead in terms of consumer acceptance of mobile-based technologies. Even today many Americans have never purchased anything using their phones, and frequently still carry credit cards or even cash with them (may parents even sometimes buy things by writing a paper check!). Further, we do not have anything like an integrated app platform such as WeChat. We still use one app for texting, another for sharing pictures, another for financial transactions, another for sharing videos, and so on. I think there is a lot of opportunity in the US both for pushing the availability and easy of mobile payments, and for integrated platforms.

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Do you have any hobbies?


My wife and I love travel. I was lucky to grow up in a family that loved to travel as well.  When I was older before I had children, my wife and I would think carefully about visiting one new country each year neither of us had ever been to. We would make a plan, save up, research, and go! As the years go by over time this amounts to a lifetime of memories and more than 50 countries so far! All of them are special in their own way, but I would say that Egypt was unique. Standing at the foot of the Sphynx looking out at the three great pyramids of Giza juxtaposed with modern Cairo right across the street is an inspiring sight.  For pure peace and beauty, Ireland probably tops the list in that regard.

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How do you balance your personal life and work?



Balance is always a tricky subject – even more so when young children are involved as well!  For us, the largest single factor in making things work was carefully picking an employer up front that will provide a likely match to the kind of lifestyle you want to have – both in terms of salary/benefits and personal time. The US federal government is known to have that kind of balance, as are the international organizations where my wife works.  That said, as you move into senior roles within any organization, “balanced” or no, work demands on your time increase exponentially. For that that there is no silver bullet fix. The best we have found is a) a high degree of both communication and flexibility between my wife and I in terms of what is coming up in the given week where at certain times I can take over certain duties while she works extra, and then at other times she does the same for me, and then b) both of us live and breathe by our Outlook calendars; everything (personal and work both) is scheduled and updated constantly, often down to 15 minute blocks for the entire day! That is certainly hectic, but allows for things that are really important to be scheduled and blocked in advance enough that you can make them happen.

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Do you have any suggestions for those foreign students who consider to study/work in China?



Go!  Spending a significant amount of time in a foreign country is life-changing, and not only in the obvious ways of changing or enhancing your career, but in subtle ways too.  Most importantly, you will find that your worldview is broadened – in terms of business yes, but also food, language, culture. Get out there, try everything, and experience all of it – if you are the introverted type, resist the urge to spend all your time on campus, go out and see China. If you are the extroverted type, make sure to spend time to develop at least a few deep friendships, they very well might last a lifetime. Finally, go into the experience with a plan. An actual plan, thought out and written down. What, specifically, do you want to get out of your short time there? What resources will you need to make that happen?  What people do you need to meet? Break it down into the smallest chunks you can and attack each one ferociously. Then, don’t lose sight of your plan. Make it happen.

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What do you think is the biggest difference between China's market and the USA?

仍然在世的人?那我会邀请CNN外交事务新闻评论员法里德·扎卡里亚(Fareed Zakaria)。他对每周发生在世界各地事情的洞察力是惊人的,我们的交谈将会是广泛而深入的,即使现在想象这个画面都让我很激动!


Living? I would invite Fareed Zakaria, the CNN foreign affairs news commentator. His insights into what is happening around the world on a week to week basis are just amazing.  The conversations would be wide-ranging and deep, I am excited even now thinking about it! Any person of all time? Zhou Enlai – what an astounding historical figure, and an absolute master of so many different disciplines in a turbulent time. His insights into the rise of modern China would be unparalleled.

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